Q: How does hard water affect the baking process?
Green Water Technologies: To answer this question you must first understand that hard water simply means that it has minerals, like calcium, in high concentration. This can have a significant effect on things like yeast and gluten. Certain dissolved minerals can impact the structure of gluten and may inhibit the fermenting process of yeast, which is crucial when baking risen goods.
Q: Are vegetables affected by high-mineral water?
Green Water Technologies: Some can be, yes. Those that you blanch, for example, may experience loss of color or become tough and rubbery when boiled in hard, unconditioned water. And if you are in a hurry to get your food on the table, you should know that certain things, such as beans, rice, and pasta, take longer to cook when using hard water. This is because certain minerals increase water’s boiling point.
Q: I have municipal water. Is it hard?
Green Water Technologies: That depends on where you live. In this instance, it’s best to contact your local water treatment facility, typically your utilities company, and ask about local water quality. Something else you want to inquire about is the amount of chlorine used to actually treat the water. Chlorine, although necessary in commercial water treatment, can have a slight to moderate bleaching effect on steamed vegetables.
Q: How can I avoid cooking problems?
Green Water Technologies: If you live in an area with hard water, invest in a whole home water filter. A water filtration system will not only ensure that you are cooking with the right kind of water, but it can also help prevent hard water build up and reduce wear and tear on your water-using appliances.